10 Reasons Why Too Much Sugar Is Bad for You

The only reason to avoid sugary foods is no longer just to prevent tooth decay. Recent studies have found disturbing connections between sugar and an increasing variety of illnesses, including cancer and diabetes. Inflammation, which is the underlying cause of many diseases, is sparked by sugar in the body. So it comes as no surprise that sugar contributes significantly to the development of these illnesses.

We frequently could not even be aware of the worrisome amount of hidden sugars we're ingesting into our bodies thanks to them being present in so many foods. Sugar can also be present in sauces, condiments, and refined carbs like bread in addition to the obvious sources like sweets and soda. Every day, the average American eats about 22 teaspoons of added sugar.

You would be better off eliminating added sugars entirely to avoid its damaging effects given the plethora of health problems linked to sugar. Here are the top 10 reasons why too much sugar is bad for you:

  • Glucose levels increase and decrease in response to sugar. You may have mood changes, exhaustion, and headaches if your blood sugar is not stable. Additionally, it fuels cravings, which start the vicious cycle of fake hunger. In contrast, those who eliminate sugar claim to experience fewer cravings and higher levels of energy.

  • Your immune system is weakened and your gut flora is damaged by sugar. According to research, sugar encourages the development of harmful germs and digestive tract inflammation. Since your gut houses 80% of your immune system, prolonged inflammation there can lead to a number of dangerous autoimmune illnesses.

  • Sugar hastens aging. They can impact your body composition, as you are surely aware, but they can also interfere with your skin by causing wrinkling and sagging. Once in your bloodstream, sugar binds to proteins. Premature ageing is brought on by the combination of these proteins with sugar, which causes the skin to become less elastic. 

  • Obesity, diabetes, and heart disease are among the risks that sugar raises. While we all enjoy the occasional indulgence, meals that raise blood sugar quickly raise the risk of obesity, heart disease, and diabetes.Recent studies also point to links between these high-glycemic diets and various cancer types. Read the nutrition labels carefully because additional sugars frequently cause these side effects in your body.

Learn more about how to read nutrition labels: https://laumieregourmet.com/blogs/news/how-to-read-nutrition-labels

  • Fructose in excess can harm the liver. Alcohol and too much fructose both have harmful effects on the liver. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease can be brought on by the liver being overloaded with fructose, primarily from a diet high in processed foods and sodas. Fatty liver disease is a forerunner to chronic conditions like diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and severe liver disease, despite the fact that the majority of people experience no first symptoms.

  • Your mental health is harmed by sugar. Sugar-rich diets have been demonstrated to worsen a number of diseases, including mood swings, anxiety, and even schizophrenia. They have also been connected to the onset of depression. 

  • Acne can be worse by sugar. A high-sugar diet may be to blame if you frequently break out. Sugar increases insulin levels, which causes the hormones that cause testosterone and acne to be produced. Even though the link between junk food and acne has been debatable for a while, a study found that acne sufferers' symptoms improved when they started eating a low-glycemic diet. Read more about “low glycemic food” at: https://laumieregourmet.com/blogs/news/what-is-glycemic-index

  • Too much sugar takes away your energy. foods with a lot of added sugar quickly increase insulin and blood sugar levels, giving you more energy. Sugar-rich foods can induce a rapid spike in energy that is quickly followed by a severe drop in blood sugar, which results in significant variations in energy levels.


  • Type 2 diabetes is associated with higher sugar consumption. Independent of the population's levels of obesity, a study revealed that populations with high-sugar diets experienced higher rates of Type 2 diabetes. Meaning that sugar alone significantly contributes to the development of Type 2 diabetes, regardless of whether a person is obese or not. 


  • Sugar has too many useless calories. Last but not least is the obvious reality that sugar has no nutritional value and is devoid of all vital elements. You are denying your body of necessary nutrients and overloading it with an inflammatory toxin when you consume the majority of your calories in the form of refined carbohydrates and sugary meals. There is essentially nothing to gain from consuming sugar, but a lot to lose instead!


Tips for cutting back on sugar intake: Too much added sugar has a number of detrimental health impacts. You should attempt to reduce your sugar intake as much as you can, even if taking little amounts of sugar is acceptable. Here are a few advice:
  • Have unsweetened seltzer instead of juice, soda, or energy drinks.
  • Use natural sweetener or a black coffee without sugar.
  • Rather than purchasing flavor-flavored yogurt with extra sugar, sweeten plain yogurt with fresh or frozen berries.
  • Per serving, look for cereals and granola bars with less than 4 grams of sugar.
  • Use natural nut butter in place of sweet spreads that are already created.
  • Steer clear of alcoholic drinks that have been sweetened with agave or sugar.
  • Putting more emphasis on obtaining fresh, complete ingredients.

Making your own nutritious meals at home and avoiding packaged foods and beverages that are high in added sugar are the greatest ways to reduce your intake of added sugar.

Due to the fact that they are produced from hand-selected, all-natural items that are combined to provide delectable and healthful snacks, Laumière's gourmet food baskets are a fantastic solution for anyone trying to eat healthily. All of our gourmet delicacies are vegan, have no added sugar, and are made from completely natural sweeteners like dates and agave.

Order a basket for yourself or give one as a gift to someone special to have a truly unique snacking experience.



  •  Franceschi, S., Dal Maso, L., Augustin, L., et al., “Dietary Glycemic Load and Colorectal Cancer Risk.” Annals of Oncology, 12(2), 2001, pages 173-178.

  • Nutter, R.L., Gridley, D.S., Kettering, J.D., et al., “Modification of a transplantable colon tumor and immune responses in mice fed different sources of protein, fat and carbohydrate.” Cancer Letters, 18(1), 1983, pages 49-62.

  • “Dietary Reference Intakes for vitamin A, vitamin K, arsenic, boron, chromium, copper, iodine, iron, manganese, molybdenum, nickel, silicon, vanadium, and zinc.” Institute of Medicine, Washington, D.C., National Academy Press, 2001.

  • Sensi, M., Pricci, F., Andreani, D., et al., “Advanced Nonenzymatic Glycation Endproducts (AGE): Their Relevance to Aging and the Pathogenesis of Late Diabetic Complications.” Diabetes Research, 16(1), 1991, pages 1-9.

  •  “Dental Caries and Its Complications: Tooth Decay.” In The Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy, edited by Robert Berkow, et al. Rahway, NJ: Merck Research Laboratories, 1992.

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